My theme, my motto, my motivation:
“I had always yearned for the kind of greatness that is realized through authentic, lived experience. But what was it?”
Traveling and food, for me those are what lead to the most authentic and fulfilling experiences. They allow me to adventure, connect with people, get creative, and try new things. What more is there to life??
But traveling doesn’t necessarily mean traipsing around with a backpack (although that’s totally awesome), it can be as close to home as wandering down a new street and discovering a really sweet little coffee shop. Adventures don’t have be grand and expensive to be satisfying and memorable. And food, oh! food!!! How I love to eat, and because I love to eat I also love to cook. It’s so fun to scroll through Pinterest or flip through a stack of cook books and make a list of amazing new recipes, and then try them all out on your friends when you invite them over for supper on Sunday (my favourite night to throw dinner parties).
Take the time to create and appreciate daily adventures, I promise you, it’s always worth it.
A little more about me? Sure, why not:
I have three college diplomas: two are in acting/performance, and one is in Holistic Nutrition. I’m also trained in Reiki, and have read almost more business books than I can count (Ok, not really, but my stack of business books is pretty massive).
I’ve lived in 8 different cities, on three different continents (7 years, 7 cities, 12 moves – that’s some kind of record, right?). I’ve traveled across Canada, through a good chunk of the States, and have seen parts of 17 additional countries – sometimes spending as long as a year exploring.
I’m a chronic journaler and have been since I was young. I’m also borderline obsessive about tracking my finances in a little book – my mom taught me to do it when I was just wee, and I’ve been chronicling every penny since. Well, I’ve finally let go enough to round it to dollar or two, but I used to track to the penny. For reals. I could tell you to the dollar how much I earned/spent 13 years ago. You say crazy, I say organized.
I used to be vegetarian. I still prefer to eat veggie most of the time, but I refuse to miss out on trying any and every delicious-looking meal that comes my way, even if it’s meaty.
Holy crap I have the best, cutest, softest, sweetest, most amazing kitty IN THE WORLD. She makes me laugh every. single. day. How rad is that? Her name is Quinn and I love her.
This is me:
by McKinnley
Glad to hear you had a great yoga class 🙂